Youngstown City Hall is a vital key in Reclaiming Our Identity. Opening up its doors will ensure we are a modern, transparent and responsive City Hall that engages us all and:
- is a trusted source for good government
- is a guiding star and beacon of hope for where we’re going
- serves at the pleasure of the people of the City
- employs a committed staff, that joyously serves and promptly responds
- no longer reserves itself to default, status quo solutions
A commitment to a city-wide campaign to “educate the community, about the community” (done through public, in-person and online Town Hall style meetings). What’s going on in Youngstown’s City Hall is a vital discussion. City Hall must do the work to illustrate how good governance is good for us all. Strategic ad campaigns and thoughtful social media posts can facilitate open discussions and more. All of this will lead to the much needed, open call invitations, that involve residents in the process, and the privilege of civic engagement.
An administration actively working to elevate our trust in fair processes means tangible resources and reliable support for:
- engaging with our experienced city departments to better navigate processes and arrive together, at win-win-win results (for our residents, our neighborhoods and our city).
- a procedural justice around every City downtown and neighborhood initiative, grant, loan and funding opportunities.
- Fair and prompt access to relevant public government documents and resources.
- A modern and mobile-ready website to engage the tech savvy citizen.
- A clearly communicated and widely shared calendar of city events and engagements.
Reclaiming Our Identity requires a culture change and a commitment to a City Hall For Us All.